Wednesday, August 25, 2010

APGEO: Homework and reminders, 8/25

AP Geography students: Please complete the De Blij reading and notes tonight; bring the notes to class and be prepared to discuss tomorrow.

Please be sure you are fairly confident in your understanding of the following terms/concepts we discussed yesterday and today - let me know if you have questions about them:

-Mental maps
-Cost/benefit decision making
-The "friction of distance"
Textbook definition: "A measure of the retarding or restricting effect of distance on spatial interaction. Generally, the greater the distance, the greater the 'friction' and the less the interaction or exchange, or the greater the cost of achieving the exchange." (examples discussed in class: Is my distance relationship with a person in a remote region of Kazakhstan likely to succeed? What lake do I go fishing in this Saturday? Why do most Voyager students prefer to grocery shop in Durham rather than in Raleigh?)

-How transportation, communication, technology, and access to transportation (e.g., you are dependent on your parents to drive you around) affects (1) the friction of distance and the importance of distance in individual decision making and (2) the importance that distance plays in your day-to-day decisions as well as in the makeup of your mental maps.

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