Monday, September 20, 2010

ENRICHED: Homework and Do Now, Monday 9-20 and Tuesday 9-21

Project grades on the Ancient Civilizations GRAPES project were returned today. Grades were generally very poor, with a few exceptions; 6th hour earned an average of 50% of the 27 points possible. Many students lost points by talking during their peers' presentations or being repeatedly off-task during our in-class work time on the project. In addition, in some groups, one person did a disproportional amount of the work while other group members did little or nothing. Each student received an individual grade on the project.

I cannot stress enough the importance of staying focused and working hard every single class period, of reading directions, and of taking every assignment seriously. Take pride in your work!


Reading notes on the packet handed out on Friday (basic information about a few of the world's major religious traditions) will be checked at the beginning of class on Wednesday. If you are having trouble with the reading notes assignments, please let me know.

In class assignment (homework for those who didn't finish or were absent):

Read the section on Hinduism and Buddhism in the World History textbook (starts on page 76). Then, create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and practices. Each section of the diagram (Hinduism only, Hinduism + Buddhism, and Buddhism only) should include a minimum of five bullet points with distinct beliefs and practices.

Do Now, Monday 9-20 (5th) and Tuesday 9-21 (6th):

Please answer ONE of the following questions:

1. Describe one example of a Hindu belief and one example or a Hindu practice.
2. Describe, explain, and/or discuss the Hindu caste system. The Hindu caste system is a social hierarchy in which a person was born into a caste and remained in that caste throughout his or her life, but could be reincarnated as a member of a different caste.

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